For individuals aged 16 and up
Not yet 16 but want to help? Click here.
These forms (available on the Forms page) must be completed before participating in any GPAS on-snow activity, *including training!
Volunteer Application
Move United Waiver
Greek Peak Policy Insights Form
Greek Peak Ski/Ride Waiver (only available online)
It is the volunteer's responsibility to ensure that his/her equipment is properly tuned and maintained.
If a volunteer is injured while performing his/her duties, the Greek Peak protocol will be to take the equipment to the Tuning & Repair Shop for an Investigative Review. The results will be included with the incident report.
Coaches will need to schedule the days they wish to volunteer in advance. Only those coaches assigned for the day will be admitted into the building during program days.
Volunteers are needed to assist Special Olympics with the Winter Games. Check in at the desk for information on the date and location.
As if the fun was not enough, extremely dedicated volunteers may have the opportunity to earn passes for future skiing.
All coaches will need to complete Special Olympics volunteer course, Safe Sports, and pass a background check.
Training is required each year.
Coaches Training page with resources and opportunities
Do you want to make a difference?
We are always looking for help in a surprising array of areas. We can always use qualified skiers/snowboarders to help guide or with training/experience to instruct.
Our adaptive family encompasses children and adults with developmental disabilities, visual impairments, paraplegia, amputations, muscle/skeletal issues and an array of other disabilities. We provide adaptive equipment and teaching methods to help make winter fun!
Do you like to do fundraising or organize events? We need you! GPAS raises its own funding to cover the expenses of insurance, adaptive equipment, heat, hot chocolate (lots of that), and all sorts of other associated expenses.
Are you mechanically inclined? Maybe you would like to help in our equipment room. Monoskis and outriggers need to be maintained/repaired and inventoried. We can use you!
Do you have a strong back? We’re talking winter…there is always snow to shovel, monoskis to carry, sliders to push. Yes, we can use you!
Tell us your skill and we will find a place for you to help!